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"A fantastic group of dedicated people trying to make a change for the better within our community." - J. Underwood
"A great team full of life and hope,
get involved" -
D. Toombs

With thanks to the help of our supporters, committed volunteers and passionate youth workers Lydney Hub has successfully launched Lydney Youth Hub, offering young people aged between

11-17, a fun and supportive atmosphere to socialise and take part in informal activities. 2020 will be the organisation's biggest year yet as the charity has partnered with Hips Social, in order to continue to improve the offerings in their community centred space, and is on the way to revealing a brand new dedicated youth space.

How We Are Funded

Your financial support helps us make a real difference to the lives of people in Lydney. We aim to strengthen our residents' sense of belonging and help them feel more connected.

Community Hubs have a transformational inpact on local areas and with a new purpose built youth centre, Lydney hub will continue to be the centre of belonging and connection for many generations to come.

Being so diverse in our charitible objectives presents its own unique set of funding challenges. Partnering with Hips Social has been a key factor in maintaining Lydney Hub's sustainability along with substantial donations from local councils, charities and larger funding bodies. 


More than


raised so far!

We are lucky to have recieved donations from a wide range of supporters comprising of small and large businesses and charities, as well as local authorities. Since inception we have raised over £36,000 which will be spent on a number of things including fitting out the youth hub and running activities for young people.  

Who Has Funded Us


Whether you are an individual or a member of an organisation, we would love to hear from you. So please get in touch to find out how you can help?

Thanks for submitting!

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